How quickly can you quote me?
Quick! We pride ourselves on our fast turnaround of quotations as we understand the time pressures our clients are under. Usually you will get a response within 30mins, however we aim to answer all quote requests within 24 hours. For bespoke products, we aim to have accurate costings within 48 hours.

How quickly can you get my order to me from payment?
It depends on what you have ordered, but usually within 30days. Printing is quicker than embroidery or patches etc. We are always striving for providing a quick turnaround to you.
If you have a deadline however challenging. We may be able to help you. We never fail on our commitments.

Can I see a visual of my bag before I order?
Yes, we will send you a pre-production sample for you to approve prior to mass production. And won’t start it until we get your approve.

What are the options for branding my bag?
You send us your logo and we can help you choose an option for getting that logo onto the bag or if you already know, you can stipulate what you prefer. Screen printing, full colour printing, transfer printing, embroidery, blind embossing and foil blocking are all available options. You can find out more here about custom bag decoration options here.

What is the minimum order quantity?
It depends on the bag you are ordering. The minimum order quantities are stated in the specification for each product.

How long is my quote valid for?
Most quotes are valid for 30 days. Also depends on the exchange rate and raw materials cost changes. We will advise you how long your quote is valid for when we supply it

Do your colour match my logo colour?
Yes, definitely we do! You will just need to supply us with your colour references ( tell us the color number is enough). Every colour has a PANTONE Matching System  (PMS) reference number. This is a system used throughout the industry to ensure any printer can match
colours specified by any designers.